USACO Bronze 2019 December - Livestock Lineup

Authors: Benjamin Qi, Kevin Sheng, Melody Yu, Ryan Chou

Official Analysis (C++)

Video Solution

By Melody Yu

Video Solution Code


Time Complexity: O(N)\mathcal{O}(N)


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int RESTRICT_LEN = 6;
// list of cows, in alphabetical order
const vector<string> COWS = {"Beatrice", "Belinda", "Bella", "Bessie",
"Betsy", "Blue", "Buttercup", "Sue"};
vector<vector<string>> orderings;


import java.util.*;
public class Lineup {
private static final int RESTRICT_LEN = 6;
// list of cows, in alphabetical order
private static final List<String> COWS = Arrays.asList(
"Beatrice", "Belinda", "Bella", "Bessie", "Betsy", "Blue", "Buttercup", "Sue");
private static List<List<String>> orderings = new ArrayList<>();


from typing import List
# list of cows, in alphabetical order
COWS = ["Beatrice", "Belinda", "Bella", "Bessie", "Betsy", "Blue", "Buttercup", "Sue"]
orderings = []
def build(ordering: List[str]):
# finished building permutation

O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) Solution With Graphs

This solution is covered in the Introduction to Graphs module.

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